Partnership Missions

The third step in our strategy to fulfill our mission to see every church healthy and multiplying is Partnership Missions. The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) commands the church to make disciples of all nations (peoples), therefore our multiplication as churches must extend beyond our local area to the ends of the earth.

For this reason, the association encourages our churches to partner together in their missionary activity. The WMU was formed to ensure our Southern Baptist churches are informed about our cooperative missions work as a denomination, including various mission offerings that support this work. If your church does not have a WMU, there is an ongoing Association WMU group meeting each month. Perhaps this would serve as a catalyst for you to begin this important ministry in your church. Details are on the Association Calendar.

The following are our association partnerships:

1) Filipino People worldwide is a broader partnership among the nine Baptist associations of southeast Missouri. Currently there are North American opportunities in Phoenix, Houston, Calgary, and Edmonton; and international opportunities on Camiguin Island in the Philippines.  Additionally, there are teams for 16-18 year old high school students and college students to spend several weeks on the island during the summer. Utilizing a church planting catalyst role similar to the Church Planting Center, the work on the island has its first catalyst working to start churches in whom we are partnering through financial support.

Camiguin August 2023 Update     Camiguin December 2023 UpdateCamiguin October 2024 Update

2) Alberta, Canada, which has two NAMB SEND Cities. Lynwood Baptist Church of Cape Girardeau is the Lead church for Calgary and Kevin Coffee is the contact. Fruitland Community Church of Jackson is the Lead church for Edmondton and Laura Norman is the contact. 

3) Eastern Montana. First Baptist Church of Millersville led out in this partnership. There are a variety of partnership opportunities among the churches in the eastern half of Montana. The city of Glendive is the focal point of the strategy there. An education building is currently being renovated for mission teams to stay in as they engage in community outreach in Glendive and the surrounding communities. Contact the Director of Missions to learn how your church can be a part of reaching eastern Montana with the gospel!


4) Baptist Collegiate Ministry of SEMO is our local ministry on the campus of Southeast Missouri State University. Under the leadership of Reese Hammond, BCM Director, we have a growing opportunity and openness to share the gospel with people from around the world as the number of international students at the university continues to expand. You are welcome each Monday at 5:45pm to attend a dinner for the students hosted by one of our area churches. The purpose is to develop relationships with these students that extends beyond Monday evenings. Invite them to join you in other community activities, including your regular church services, and to have a meal in your home with your family. Invest in the people God has brought to our doorstep. Visit their website for updates and more info:


To "combine and direct the energies of our people" the Partnership Missions Team has put together the following document which explains funding opportunities through the association for a Cape Girardeau Baptist Association member church.  

Funding Assistance

If your church would like to do a study to learn more about the International Mission Board, including how they partner with churches, please consider their Foundations study:  Foundations Book  Foundations Companion Guide

WMU of Saline Baptist Church is collecting for:
Steve Schmidt, 220 Union St, Butler IL 62015; phone: 217-532-6701
Acceptable Guidelines: Something that will lead someone to faith in Christ and/or something that will disciple a believer.
   - New or used Bible (any translation)
   - Reference Material dictionaries, concordances, commentaries etc. Non-fiction Christian books, Magazines & Daily Devotionals,
   - Sunday School Materials, CD's, DVD's, BluRay, Tracts, Puppets, Nativity sets, Bible games, Bible Puzzles
   - (DO NOT send: VHS/tapes/records, Guideposts, Secular books, Mission magazines, busy papers from Sunday School)
We have a trailer behind the association office that you can drop-off acceptable materials into for this endeavor.